Printer Ratings

Printer ratings are very hard to do objectively as I've outlined earlier it's impossible to outline just one single best printer or something like that. It depends on you and how you're going to use the printer. Some things might be more important than the others depending on as already said before your printer usage.

The three major things to take into consideration when buying a printer are its resolution, printing costs and the printing speed the printer can handle. On those three things I've tried to base my printer ratings and I hope you'll find them useful.

Printer ratings rule #1 - Resolution refers to the number of dots that can be placed in a square inch, more dots per inch result in finer detail, which makes text characters sharper and color images cleaner. A 300-dpi (dots per inch) printer is one that is capable of printing 300 distinct dots in a line 1 inch long.

Printer ratings rule #2 - The price of the printer is just the beginning of the overall costs of your printer. Ongoing cost is measured in cost per page - a figure measured in cents. If you print even a fair amount, the per page costs can add up quickly.

Printer ratings rule #3 - Manufacturers rate print speed in pages per minute (ppm) produced at low resolution. Printer speed maybe isn't the most important factor to take into account when buying a new printer but it can get very annoying with slow printers.

Printer ratings are very hard as I want you to think about how important all the factors involved are. I hope you found my printer ratings useful.


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